Tapes by Giasco Bertoli
PAPARAZZI by Mazaccio & Drowilal
Liturgy by Flora Yin-Wong
Camino Road by Renée Green
Bleu Melody by Tony Frank
Ferox / The Forgotten Archives by Nicolas Polli
Your Blues by Michael Schmelling
Extreme Tourism by Thomas Mailaender
Medieval Monster Hunter by Damien Kempf
Lviv - God's Will by Viacheslav Poliakov
The Earth Is Only A Little Dust Under Our Feet by Bego Antón
The Saxons of Transylvania by Pascual Martínez + Vincent Sáez
Read Naked by Erik Kessels
CONTROL by Çağdaş Erdoğan
From the Archives of Peter Merlin, Aviation Archaeologist by Trevor Paglen
In the Shadow of Forward Motion by David Wojnarowicz
Grandissima Selezione by Fontanesi
Inventions 1915-1938 by Luce Lebart
Bis Morgen Im Nassen by Lotte Reimann
Ruches, 2400 A.E.C. - 1852 E.C. / Hives, 2400 B.C.E. - 1852 C.E. by Aladin Borioli (APIAN)
Devil’s Promenade by Antone Dolezal + Lara Shipley
HASSAN HAJJAJ by Hassan Hajjaj