Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet
Then things went quiet

Then things went quiet

MW Projects

2003年10月17日から20日にかけてロンドンで開催された「Frieze Art Fair」の一環プログラムとして、イギリス人インディペンデント・キュレーター/ライターのシャーロット・コットン(Charlotte Cotton)とイギリス人アーティスト/ギャラリストのマックス・ウィグラム(Max Wigram)のキュレーションのもと開催された同名のグループ展の展示カタログ。


Paul Cunningham/Toby Glanville/David Hughes/Nigel Shafran/David Spero


Title: Then things went quiet
Artist: Various
Edited and Curated by Charlotte Cotton and Max Wigram
MW Projects, 2003
Hardcover, case binding
297 x 276 x 18 mm
69 pages
Text in English
First edition
ISBN: 9780954631109

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