Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory

Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory

Spector Books

2018年11月24日から2019年3月3日にドイツのザルツブルク近代美術館で開催された展覧会、「Camera Austria. Laboratory for Photography and Theory」に伴い出版された作品集。

1980年に創刊した写真雑誌「Camera Austria International」は、数多くの展覧会やシンポジウムを通じてオーストリア国内のみならず、国際的な写真の研究と普及に努めてきた。1975年にオーストリアのグラーツに移住した古屋誠一はこの団体の設立者の一人であり、森山大道、東松照明、そして荒木経惟のヨーロッパでの大規模個展を実現させ、またヨーロッパの写真家たちの展覧会を日本で行いその独自性を紹介するなど、両国の橋渡しとして大きな貢献を果たした。本書は、「Camera Austria」で展示や寄稿などを通して携わってきたアーティストたちの見解を中心に、この団体に影響を与えた芸術的分脈や変革についての解説を加えることで、その歴史を紐解いている。


Robert Adams/Nobuyoshi Araki/Lewis Baltz/Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber/Anna und Bernhard Blume/Petar Dabac/William Eggleston/Hans-Peter Feldmann/Seiichi Furuya/Luigi Ghirri/David Goldblatt/Nan Goldin/Sanja Iveković/Sven Johne/Lamia Joreige/Annette Kelm/Josif Király/Joachim Koester/Zofia Kulik/Darcy Lange/Tatiana Lecomte/Susan Meiselas/Zanele Muholi/Peter Piller/Walid Raad/Einar Schleef/Jörg Schlick/Michael Schmidt/Michael Schuster & Hartmut Skerbisch/Allan Sekula/Ahlam Shibli/Lieko Shiga/Jo Spence/Christian Wachter/Manfred Willmann/Tobias Zielony


Title: Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Artist: Various
Spector Books, 2019
Softcover with flaps, PUR perfect binding
273 x 220 x 26 mm
322 pages
Text in English
First edition
ISBN: 978-3959052573
¥6,000 + tax


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